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Mehr Details: Dr. med. et phil. nat. Ekaterina Rebmann zum Thema "The role of liquid biopsies in diagnosing lymphomas and myeloma"
Do 16 Jan.
Do 16 Jan.

Dr. med. et phil. nat. Ekaterina Rebmann zum Thema "The role of liquid biopsies in diagnosing lymphomas and myeloma"

Julie-von-Jenner-Haus, Kursraum 1, Stock A, Freiburgstrasse 19,
16.01.2025, 13:30 - 14:30  Uhr


The role of liquid biopsies in diagnosing lymphomas and myeloma

Dr. med. et phil. nat. Ekaterina Rebmann
Médecin –cheffe adjointe hématologue
Réseau Hospitalier Neuchâtelois
La Chaux-de-Fonds

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